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Tasarakennus Oy is a versatile professional in land and green construction. For over 40 years, we have worked on numerous different sites in the Southwest Finland region. 

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Hepokulta, Finland's largest group renovation project
As Oy Varkkaketo, As Oy Varkkaniitty, As Oy Varkkapelto, As Oy Varkka-aho, As Oy Varkkakulma

Axxell Skolan Parainen 2022-2023
Construction and surface works of the new school building

As Oy Ruonanhovi
Renovation of drainage pipes, plot leads, and surface structures of 2 apartment buildings

As Oy Kastunrinne
Renovation of drainage pipes, plot leads, area cabling, and surface structures of 2 apartment buildings, plus ground construction works for a geothermal field

As Oy Satakielenrinne
Renovation of drainage pipes, plot leads, and surface structures of 4 apartment buildings

As Oy Lehtosirkku
Renovation of drainage pipes, plot leads, and surface structures of 2 apartment buildings

As Oy Pampinkuja 2022-2023
Renovation of drainage pipes, plot leads, area cabling, and surface structures of 5 row houses

As Oy Kasarmikatu 5
Renovation of drainage pipes, plot leads, drainage, area cabling, and surface structures of 5 row houses

Vaso Vaakunarivi
Renovation of area cabling and surface structures of 4 row houses including structural layers


Hepokulta, Finland's largest group renovation project
As Oy Jahtilähde, As Oy Varkkavuori

As Oy Linnunpääntie 45
Renovation of the townhouse's drainage pipes, plot leads, and surface structures

As Oy Tervanahkuri
Renovation of the apartment building's rainwater systems, yard accessibility, lighting, and access ramps

As Oy Reelinki
Renovation of rainwater systems and surface structures of 3 apartment buildings

As Oy Kallamäensato
Renovation of plot leads, area cabling, and surface structures of 2 apartment buildings

As Oy Turun Pihlajanmarja
Renovation of rainwater systems and surface structures of 4 apartment buildings, as well as construction works for LTO (heat recovery) pipelines

As Oy Vähäheikkilän Huvitus 2
New apartment building project, construction and greenery works

Kärsämäen Paloasema
Renovation of electrical conduits and area cabling

Krookila residential area
Partial renovation of rainwater systems and drainage of 4 housing companies


Raision SRK
Maintenance yard improvement + retaining wall construction

As Oy Littoisten Kultahovi
Improvement of drainage for 3 row houses

As Oy Jupiter
Construction of stormwater sewer

As Oy Vähä-Hämeenkatu 5
Yard renovation

Sofiankatu Kindergarten
Land and green work for new construction

As Oy Pähkinäsaaren puisto
Improvement of drainage for 3 row houses

TVT Lampolankatu 8
Yard improvement

Vaso Katavanranta
Yard improvement

As Oy Vuorenharjakas
Improvement of row house drainage

As Oy Sairashuoneenkatu 14
Improvement of apartment building drainage

As Oy Vähäheikkilän Huvitus 1
New construction of an apartment building, land and green work


Trollgården Water Cooperative
Connection works for water and sewage systems for the cooperative's properties.

KOy Piispanparkki
Repair of the support wall.

Ruiskatu 8
Construction of school/daycare yard.

VASO Katavanranta
Renovation of heat pipelines and partial sewage and stormwater lines for five row houses.

As Oy Lausteenvehnä
Renovation of sewage, stormwater, and water lines for two apartment buildings.

Lieto Kaijasenpelto
New construction site for five detached houses.

TVT Vaalanniitty
Renovation of heat pipelines for four row houses.

TVT Rätiälänkatu 14
Renovation of sewage, stormwater, water, and heating lines for an apartment building.

As Oy Sähkönrivi
Renovation of sewage and stormwater lines for three row houses.

KOy Kaarinan Karpalo
New construction site for five row houses.


As Oy Isopelto
Renovation of heating, water, and electrical lines for a row house company.

As Oy Isovahan Helmi
Renovation of drainage and parking area for two row houses.

TVT Karvataskunkatu 20
Drainage renovation for three apartment buildings.

Orminkujan päiväkoti
Drainage and stormwater renovation.

As Oy Havukukkula
Drainage and stormwater renovation for four apartment buildings, including parking area repair.

Heikkilän kasarmi
Drainage and stormwater renovation for the Navy Band building.

As Oy Eerikinkatu 36
Sewage, drainage, and stormwater renovation including yard repair.

As Oy Turun Puolalanmäki
Drainage and stormwater renovation.

As Oy Petkelpuisto
Expansion of parking areas, improvement of outdoor areas, and playground.


Kårkulla Samkommun
Construction of a new asphalt parking area of about 4000 m² including structural layers, lighting, car heating posts, connections, and landscaping as a complete contract.

As Oy Isoraaka
Renovation of drainage, stormwater lines, waterproofing, and frost protection for three apartment buildings as part of facade renovation.

As Oy Havulaakso
Renovation of drainage, stormwater lines, waterproofing, and frost protection for two apartment buildings.


TVT Karjalankatu 4 and 6
Renovation of drainage, stormwater lines, waterproofing, and frost protection for 2 + 4 terrace houses. Construction of foam glass lightweight structures around the buildings, renewal of main stormwater sewers, improvement of yard lighting and car heating, and re-asphalting of the entire area.

As Oy Lausteenrypsi
Renovation of drainage, stormwater lines, waterproofing, and frost protection for two apartment buildings.

TVT Kurjenmäenkatu 11
Renovation of drainage, stormwater lines, waterproofing, and frost protection for three apartment buildings. Construction of foam glass lightweight structures for buildings and parking areas, repair of frost damages, renewal of main sewage and stormwater sewers, improvement of yard lighting and car heating, and re-asphalting of the entire area.

KOy Kirjekuori
Renovation of yard concrete paving and frost damage totaling about 1200 m². Renewal of yard lighting and car heating, general cabling, and installation of 3 Molok Domino waste collection containers.

Kårkulla Samkommun
Construction of waste and stormwater sewers, main water supply, and electrical network area piping for a care home area as a complete contract.

As Oy Hoviniitty
Renovation of drainage and foundation frost protection for an apartment building company, as well as construction work for lift foundations and entrance canopy pathways. Surface work for the yard area, etc., in spring 2017.


Kaarina City, Rauvolantie Side
Construction of municipal engineering for the Rauvolantie area, including new road construction, pedestrian and bicycle paths, renovation of old streets, new water supply lines, and necessary excavation work.

As Oy Rantarovasti
Yard surface work, etc., for an apartment building company.

As Oy Uus-Karjala
Repair and addition works for tiling and other surface work for an apartment building company.

As Oy Sienirivi
- Renewal of surface structures around the old carport and construction of stairs.
- Renewal of structure layers and surface structures (asphalting) of yard and parking areas.
- Renewal of yard and carport lighting, car heating enclosures, and cabling.
- Demolition work of old stairs, etc.

As Oy Ruukinranta
Demolition work, structure layer construction, and renewal of plantings and lawns for apartment building yard paving.

Maarian Health Center
Renovation of drainage and stormwater lines and installation of Isodrän drainage insulating panels for the health center's foundation.

Myllykoti Oy
Repair and addition works for tiling and renewal of other surface structures for an elderly home.

Raisio City; Kerttula Sports Hall
Renewal of drainage and surface water lines, yard lighting, and surface structures for the Kerttula Sports Hall.

TVT Stålarminkatu 27
Renewal of about 370 m² of daycare playground area, including safety sand, installation of playground equipment and fences, and lighting modifications.

Kaarina City
Partial drainage repair, foundation waterproofing, and frost protection renovation, as well as surface slope correction for the central sports field maintenance building.


Liedon Kunnanvirasto
Concrete paving and lightweight structures related to balcony repair work.

Virmuntien päiväkoti
Daycare's foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as basement waterproofing and frost protection renovations. Lawn patching works in spring 2016.

Kaskenkadun päiväkoti
Daycare's foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as frost protection renovations.

Raision Tasalanaukio ja torialue
Removal of old concrete paving totaling 1465 m2 and construction of new pavement raw and crushed stone bases totaling approximately 2300 m2.

As Oy Rantarovasti
Renovation of foundation drainage and rainwater lines, connection lines (water, sewer, and stormwater lines), as well as frost protection and waterproofing for two apartment buildings.

As Oy Ahvenanmaankatu
Renovation of foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as frost protection and waterproofing for the apartment building.

As Oy Haritunpuisto
Renovation of foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as frost protection and waterproofing for Building B of the apartment complex.

As Oy Kaarinan Kapustarinta
Yard area transformation and paving work for the apartment complex.

Varissuon health center and library
– Excavation works for the health center's subfloor sewers.
– Renovation of the front structures of the health center and library entrances including stairs and ramps.
– Renovation of the inter-building area surfaces (asphalt, paving, lawns).

Liedon kunta, Härkätien terveysasema
Landscaping and surface work for Härkätie health center's outdoor yard, including installation of fences, gates, and railings.

Liedon kunta, Päiväkoti Viherkoto
Renovation of foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as frost protection and basement waterproofing for the daycare.

As Oy Vaalanpuisto
Renovation of foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as frost protection and waterproofing for Building I of the townhouse complex.

TVT Sudenkorennonkuja 4
Renovation of foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as frost protection and waterproofing for two apartment buildings (buildings 3 and 5). The construction site was started in fall 2014.

As Oy Eeron Koivikko
Renovation of roof rainwater lines and A-building's storage foundation drainage, as well as frost protection and waterproofing. Renewal of the yard area asphalt and surfaces.

As Oy Ilpoistenpuisto
Pellonperänkatu 1; Repair work of buildings A-E rainwater lines and improvement of waterproofing. Spot repair work of individual buildings' foundation drainage and waterproofing.

Meltex Oy Turku
Expansion of the yard area, approximately 1800 m2.


Itäharjun toimintakeskus (formerly Lausteen nuorisotalo)
Renovation of the building's foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as frost protection and waterproofing.

Turun Kaupunginsairaala
Renovation of buildings 16 and 25 rainwater lines.

M äntymäen Perhekeskus
Renovation of the main building's foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as frost protection and waterproofing.

Kasarmirakennus 2, Arwidssoninkatu 2
Renovation of the building's foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as frost protection and waterproofing.

TVT Jungmanninkatu 1
Repair of the inner courtyard/parking garage's upper surface and basement sides' drainage systems, as well as the repair and renewal of about 180 m2 of paving.

TVT Paavinkatu 19
Renovation of five townhouses' foundation drainage and rainwater lines, as well as frost protection and waterproofing.

Taivassalon liikuntahalli
Landscaping and paving works for the new sports hall in Taivassalo.

Turun Klassikon koulu ja lukio
– Renovation of the building's foundation drainage, rainwater and wastewater lines, as well as basement waterproofing.
– Renewal of the main entrance paving and construction of a foam glass lightweight structure.

As Oy Pormestari
Renewal of the parking area's heating posts and lighting, as well as electrical lines. Installation of a steel mesh fence as a boundary fence.

As Oy Lausteenkulma
Renovation of three apartment buildings' foundation drainage, as well as frost and waterproofing of the basement.

Ruskon kunta
Improvement of the drainage at Vahdon Pappila area; construction of the area's stormwater system, road structures, and ditch foundation drainage + filling, construction started in November 2013 and completed in May 2014.


Ruskon kunta
Improvement of the drainage at Vahdon Pappila area; construction of the area's stormwater system, road structures, and ditch foundation drainage + filling, construction started in November 2013 and continued until May 2014.

As Oy Puolikko
Renovation of buildings 4 and 6's backyard rainwater and foundation drainage systems and basement waterproofing and frost protection, as well as the renewal of backyard surface structures (surface slopes, lawns, pavements).

Turun kaupunki, Peltolan koulutalo
Peltolan school building infoteek:
– Construction of foundation drainage, sewer, and rainwater lines
– Drilling of geothermal wells and installation of pipelines
– Steel pipe piling
– Filling of the building foundation
– Excavation of light and power cable lines

TVT Turun Marjapuisto
Renovation of rainwater and foundation drainage systems and basement waterproofing and frost protection.

TVT Talpiankumpu
– Renovation of the yard and playground area
– Installation of embedded edge stones
– Construction of the rainwater line
– Renewal of the yard area's structural layers and asphalt

Liedon Seurakunta, seurakuntakeskus
Paving and masonry works of the youth house and parsonage.

Renovation of the yard area, installation of a total of approximately 200 meters of granite edging stones.

KOy Sairaalakatu 10, Raision Oiva
Paving and masonry works of approximately 350 m2 and landscaping works.


Elomatic Oy, Valkoinentalo
Paving works of approximately 230 m2 and construction of a supporting wall of approximately 70 linear meters.

KOy Lausteenkulma
Renovation of the yard's rainwater system.

KOy Ruonan Liiketalo
– Renovation of rainwater and foundation drainage systems and basement waterproofing and frost protection
– Repair of JV sewer line.

As Oy Kärsä-Pähkinä
Renovation of rainwater and foundation drainage systems and basement waterproofing and frost protection.

As Oy Sorolaisenrinne
Renovation of rainwater and foundation drainage systems and basement waterproofing and frost protection.

As Oy Naantalin Marjahovi
Renovation of rainwater and foundation drainage systems and basement waterproofing and frost protection.

As Oy Muhkurinkatu 5
Construction of rainwater and foundation drainage systems and basement waterproofing and frost protection.

As Oy Peräniitynpuisto
Construction of gutter drainage systems.

As Oy Sompaketo
Construction of rainwater drainage systems and connection of new gutter pipes to old and built lines.

As Oy Aro
Yard area renovation works.

As Oy Pakan Orvokki
Yard area renovation works and JV sewer line repair.

As Oy Omenankukka
Excavation of yard lighting cabling.

As Oy Pennimäki
Construction of waste bin foundations and surfacing of driveways and parking areas.

As Oy Frälsinrivi
Repair works for a heating pipe leak and installation of yard furniture.

As Oy Priitanrivi
Construction of a supporting wall and drainage.


Turun kaupunki, Sairaalarakennus 5
Renovation of rainwater lines and renewal of yard surface structures.

Liedon Seurakunta, old SRK-house and Nuortentalo
Renovation of rainwater and foundation drainage systems and basement waterproofing and frost protection.

Raision kaupunki, Raision vanhainkoti, Kerttulakoti
– Renovation of foundation drainage and rainwater lines
– Renewal of yard surface structures
– Renovation of basement waterproofing and frost protection.

As Oy Frälsinrivi
Renovation of buildings A and B's ground sewers.

As Oy Omenanoksa
– Partial renovation of rainwater and foundation drainage systems
– Renewal of yard surface structures (asphalt and rain gutters) and yard lighting.

As Oy Porthaninkatu 6
Renovation of building connections (water, sewer, and stormwater lines) in the street area.

KOy Sairaalakatu 10, Raision Oiva, Elderly care home
– Construction of water, sewer, stormwater, and foundation drainage lines
– Excavation of electrical lines
– Yard structures
– Filling of the building foundation.

Hakinmäen Väestönsuoja Oy
Renovation of basement waterproofing and frost protection.

As Oy Kupittaankatu 59
Renovation and landscaping of the yard area.

As Oy Kemppilänkumpu
Installation of gutter water lines.

Vaso Myrskylä
Basic improvement of the playground area and construction of a retaining wall.

As Oy Korundi
Repair work of outdoor stairs.

As Oy Pennimäki
Renovation of stormwater and drainage pipelines, and the basement's waterproofing and frost protection.


City of Turku, new animal shelter
Green construction works.

City of Turku, Hospital Building 11, Kupittaa Pharmacy
– Replacement of stormwater and drainage pipelines
– Waterproofing of the foundation
– Renewal of yard surface structures

As Oy Stoltinmaja, 6 apartment buildings
Drainage pipeline replacement project:
– Replacement of drainage pipelines
– Waterproofing of the foundation
– Renewal of the asphalt in the yard area

Yard work - project:
– Renewal of lawn areas and planting works
– Renewal of the surface structures and fence of the playground
– Installation of paving, cobblestones, and retaining walls
– Cabling for area lighting
– Installation of yard and house accessories

TVT Homes Ltd, TVT Gregoriuksenpuisto, 6 apartment buildings
– Replacement of stormwater and drainage pipelines
– Waterproofing of the foundation
– Repair of yard surface structures
– Lawn repair works and plantings

As Oy Paulinpuisto
– Renovation of heating pipelines
– Repair works of yard surface structures

As Oy Hakahalme
– Replacement of stormwater and drainage pipelines
– Waterproofing of the foundation
– Renewal of yard surface structures


City of Turku's new animal shelter
Green construction works.

Forum Marinum ”boatyard”
– Paving works of the boatyard ”seabed paving”
– Earthworks

Varissuo Ice Rink
– Leveling and frost insulation works of the fields
– Excavation and filling works
– Replacement of sewer and drainage pipes

University of Turku
– Renovation of surface structures
– Renewal of surface drainage systems
– Paving works

As Oy Ilpoistenpuisto, Pelloperänkatu 1-4
– Renovation of stormwater pipes
– Area construction

As Oy Kellonsoittajankatu 19
Renewal of yard surface structures.


Rusko Municipality
Surface structures of Keskitie, paving, and greenery works.

VVO Kukolantie 3-5
– Repair of settlements
– Construction of lightening structures
– Straightening and piling of storage buildings

As Oy Nummenpuistokatu 27
– Renovation of pipelines and surface construction works

As Oy Itäinenkatu 34
Pipeline renovation and surface construction works.

As Oy Mestarinkulma
Pipeline renovation and surface construction works.

As Oy Jaakkimanpuisto
Pipeline renovation and surface construction works.

As Oy Airmala
– Pipeline renovation and surface construction works
– Underground electrical cabling

As Oy Nummenpuistokatu 27
Pipeline renovation and surface construction works.

As Oy Itäinenkatu 34
Pipeline renovation and surface construction works.

As Oy Mestarinkulma
Pipeline renovation and surface construction works.

As Oy Jaakkimanpuisto
Pipeline renovation and surface construction works.


Suomusjärvi Service Station
Greenery works (planting and lawns).

Itäniityn tie, Raisio IKEA

Sandvik Mining, Turku
Expansion works.

Previous projects


As Oy Ilpoistenpuisto, Peräpellonkatu 1-4
– Pipeline renovations
– Area construction


Lounais-Suomen Lääninvankila Saramäessä
– Yard and recreation area surface works
– Sports field and cultivation area

As Oy Perennapiha (Turku)
– Earthworks
– House foundations and sewerage

As Oy Marjamäki (Kaarina)
– Earthworks
– House foundations and sewerage


Lieto Private Care Home
Yard expansion.

As Oy Liljanpolku, Turku
– Earthworks
– House foundations and sewerage

Other sites

Other Projects

Turku Fair Center
– Various expansion, improvement, and sewerage works
– Parking areas

New Lieto Cemetery

Datacity, Phase 1

As Oy Prusinpiha, Turku

As Oy Friskalanparit, Turku

Taimo Daycare, Naantali

Utö Island
Sewerage works.

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